Joyce dinkins our daily bread how to#
How to find your niche media and be a regular guest – and leverage that to get to the big outlets.How to leverage what you already have to get PR and attract publishing deals.What actually stands between you, your book and amazing PR.

How to build a platform so You’re Media Ready.
Joyce dinkins our daily bread tv#
The number one thing media look for when booking guests for TV.HOW TO ATTRACT MEDIA ATTENTION BY BECOMING YOUR OWN PUBLICIST. I’ll be speaking on the topic of : “How to Be Your Own Publicist” Heroic struggles for justice incredible contributions to technology, science and the arts remarkable resistance and resilience are hallmarks of these stories. People of color have important stories to tell that shape the great American narrative.Result in an increased number of books and articles published by writers of color.Provide networking and educational opportunities so that prospective writers can learn more about how to work with these publishers and magazines.Foster relationships between spiritual writers of color and representatives of spiritual book publishing companies and spiritual magazines.PIC seeks to achieve this objective in two ways: (1) Publishing in Color conferences and (2) a TON of free resources for spiritual writers at Writing for Your Life.

Publishing in Color (PIC) also includes groups Asian Americans, Latino Americans, and Native Americans, who have been under-represented in terms of the number of published books. Black people way before the hashtag “blacklivesmatter.” You know I’v always been about my people. The reason why I love this Christian Writer’s event is because they are about increasing the number of books published by spiritual writers of color. I will be speaking again at the Publishing in Color Conference on How to Be Your Own Publicist.